Programmer Insults

“Snapper Head” — Someone who has blatantly disregarded the company’s coding guidelines, causing another programmer (probably the one who called them a “Snapper Head”) to waste several hours rectifying a problem that could have been avoided.

“Bone Head” — Same as “Snapper Head” except the mistake was unintentional.

“Brain Surgeon” — Someone who meticulously follows the standards but still goes to great lengths to ensure that their code is full of as many traps as possible. One day, another programmer (probably the one who called them a “Brain Surgeon”) has to waste several hours rectifying a problem that could have been avoided by implementing a much more straightforward solution.

“Lackey” — The person who gets stuck maintaining the make file.

“Spud” — A person who doesn’t understand the make file. Note that any “spud” can easily graduate from “spud” status by approaching another member of the team (but not a “Brain Surgeon”) for training in this area.

“Apparatchik” — A person who expends all their time and energy checking that other programmers are following the standards but who does little actual coding themselves.

“Ex-employee” — A recidivist “Snapper Head”.

“Dropkick” — You will know who this is when the time comes.

Yet Another Programming Blog

Where James Gordon rambles about PHP and web development in general.

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